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Hai I’m Raine I use he/him pronouns because I am a trans man but I don’t mind they/it I have a learning disability that impacts my reading and spelling so iI often make errors with my spelling
I'm autistic with adhd
I'm bi trans masc poly ace


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1. Episode 1 — Likes

likes :Enstars tmnt bobs burgers vampires vkei shipping vocaloid I Helios rising hero’s 18trip Blue lock Paradox live I forgot

2. Episode 2 — Byf

People with the same interests as me! Kind people

3. Episode 3 — Dni

do not interact: Homophobes Racists Ablests Rude People
Proshippers / darkshippers
People who can't handle me having a different opinion then them
Basic dni stuff

4. Episode 4 — Extra

others info: Im a otherkin, dollkin, fictionkin (of Mika, Ritsu and Mayoi) kinda…

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